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Writer's pictureMysticadii

Karma - Cosmic Law

Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Karma is a fundamental law governing the consequences of one's actions and choices. The concept of karma can be understood from both religious and scientific perspectives.

According to the Vedas, ancient Hindu scriptures, karma refers to the moral law of cause and effect. It is based on the principle that every action, whether physical, mental, or verbal, creates an imprint or energy that determines the quality and nature of future experiences. Karma is considered a cosmic force that ensures justice and balance in the universe.

In Hinduism, karma is classified into three categories

  1. Sanchita Karma: This is the accumulated karma from all past actions throughout a person's multiple lifetimes. It represents the sum total of one's actions and their consequences.

  2. Prarabdha Karma: Prarabdha Karma refers to the portion of Sanchita Karma that is currently being experienced in the present life. It is the predetermined destiny or fate that an individual must go through.

  3. Kriyamana Karma: Kriyamana Karma is karma that is created in the present life through one's current actions. It influences future experiences and adds to Sanchita Karma.

Karma is recorded and stored in a metaphysical realm, often referred to as the "Akashic Records" These records contain detailed information about every individual's actions, intentions, and corresponding consequences. As per Vedic astrology, Nakshatra is the term people use for the lunar mansion. Nakshatras also illustrate the abodes in which the results of our Karmas are stored and transferred

The management of karma is attributed to a higher power or divine entity. In Hinduism, this role is often associated with deities like Lord Shani, the god of justice, who ensures that individuals face the consequences of their actions. Other religious traditions may have different beliefs and deities associated with the management of karma.

Scientifically, the concept of karma aligns with the idea that actions have consequences and that our choices and behaviours shape our future experiences. In this sense, karma can be seen as a cosmic law. It is similar to the law of gravity. If we try to go against gravity we fall. Similarly, if our actions are not aligned with the Universe we suffer negative consequences. Our actions impact ourselves and the world around us, influencing our relationships, opportunities, and overall well-being. Positive actions tend to generate positive outcomes, while negative actions can lead to adverse consequences. This understanding of karma focuses on personal responsibility and the interconnectedness of everything in the universe.

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